Here is my latest painting on the easel. This one took quite awhile to complete, but it was well worth the effort to pursue. Normally, I do not paint in oil this large, but I have come to a point in my artistic career where I need to expand my horizons by painting subjects that I love to paint on a larger scale. What a difference it makes and the impact it can have on the viewer. Larger paintings seem to have more wow factor, especially if they are well planned out in design and rendered nicely. This painting took me about a month to complete. There was quite a bit of drawing and deciding how to design the composition. I had think about which view of the mission that I wanted to paint. Fortunately, I had several good photographs (including details of the columns, doors, and windows, and archways) that I had taken over the years from various trips to San Antonio. With this information at hand, it was very helpful and essential in order to pull of a realistic, authentic look of the mission. I would have to say that the elements of design (like texture and line) were used extensivly here. Other elements, like color, value, and shape also played a role in the design process. My photographs showed that was Iron Gate leading out the courtyard, archway, and to the back of the present day mission. For the painting, I chose to leave this feature out because I felt like there needed to be place where the viewer could escape or go beyond the Alamo walls. The additions of the potted plants and leaving the gate out helped increase the depth of the painting. In addition, it help soften up some of the roughness of the alamo walls. Overall, this was a fun and exciting subject to tackle. I welcome other artists or followers to leave comments. Enjoy!
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Have an artful day!
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