"The Blue Door," Santa Fe ©2012 Niki Gulley
12" x 9" pastel
12" x 9" pastel
Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop in Santa Fe, NM - Aug. 12-18
Last year on our Santa Fe workshop, one morning we headed to a quiet street in downtown Santa Fe. It was a beautiful day, and we were all drawn to the unique adobe architecture typical in Santa Fe, the soft morning light, and the vibrant color accents on each home. I chose this periwinkle doorway for my quick demo in pastels, both for the striking contrast against the orange pueblo and also because the russian sage everywhere was so beautiful, and added some balance on the left hand side of the composition. We all thoroughly enjoyed the morning, even if a passing homeowner or two were disappointed that we hadn't picked their doorways to paint!
Santa Fe is the muse of many famous artists and photographers, and that could be you, too. Join us for our Plein-Air Painting and Photography Workshop Aug. 12-18 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We will transport you to different picturesque locations, where you will be painting and (or) photographing scenes that inspired Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams. Santa Fe offers breathtaking vistas; sunny, dry weather, world class restaurants, galleries and shopping ensconced in a charming, 400 year old Spanish Colonial city that welcomes the new and exciting and never grows old. This is a not to be missed workshop in “The Land of Enchantment.”
Santa Fe Art Trek
Plein Air Painting / photography workshop taught by Scott Williams and Niki Gulley
Santa Fe, New Mexico
August 12 -18, 2012
See nikigulley.com/art-classes
To see more of Niki Gulley's textured oil paintings, visit NikiGulley.com.
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