Monday, December 3, 2012

Adopt - a - Art Show for Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

"Meandering Way" ©2012 Niki Gulley
25" x 19" pastel

In "Meandering Way," I wanted you to be transported to a beautiful autumn day, completely surrounded by nature. Hiking through the forest, hearing the leaves crunching under foot and the canopy rustling above, you can be totally carefree and lost in the peaceful moment. Making short energetic strokes with my pastels and including vivid warm colors add to that joyful feeling of being immersed in nature.

This pastel along with several others will be available at our "Adopt - a - Art" party on Dec. 7th and 8th. As some of you may know, we are planning to move to a larger studio space and while we would love to take all of our precious friends with us, we would rather not move everything and start with a clean studio space. Consequently, we are going to do something this year that we have never done before and may never do again, we are going to have an adoption weekend. There will be nominal fees associated with some of these to cover the care and feeding of them over the years and all of our little friends will be available for viewing, ready to go to new homes. We hope that you can make it!

Adopt – a – Art

One time only art sale & auction of Niki Gulley’s pastels/paintings 
and Scott Williams’ photographs
Fri. Dec. 7th 7pm – 9pm 
Sat. Dec. 8th 1pm – 4pm

Gulley / Williams Studio - Dallas, TX
RSVP for address and directions

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