Monday, July 8, 2013

"Called To Praise" by Kyle Wood

"Called To Praise" by Kyle Wood
5" x 6" Oil on Canvas Paper

Here is one of my newest paintings, named "Called To Praise".  I am focusing on producing small paintings this summer to help generate new ideas and looks for paintings.  This was painted from a photograph that I took of a historical chapel in Salado, Texas.  Several years ago, I had painted this church, but from a different viewpoint.  Recently, I decided to revisit the subject, but this time from different view point.  Naturally, the remakes seem to always be stronger in design and technical execution.  I really like how this one turned out and will eventually paint a larger painting, using this study as a reference.

To see more of my work, please visit

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!
Here is one of my newest paintings, named "Called To Praise".  I am focusing on producing small paintings this summer to help generate new ideas and looks for paintings.  This was painted from a photograph that I took of a historical chapel in Salado, Texas.  Several years ago, I had painted this this church, but from a different perspective/viewpoint.  Recently I decided to revisit the subject, but this time from a different viewpoint.  Naturally, the remakes seemed to always be stronger in design and technical execution.  I really like how this one turned out and eventually will paint a larger painting, using this study as a reference.
- See more at:

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