Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jimmy Longacre_subjective impressionist landscape paintings_DREAMING ZION

Here's one for those of you who like their color a bit on the wild side. I know.  A lot of you are saying, "What the hell is that?!   I do these usually as warm-up exercises, usually from something I've already painted.  It's a lot of fun to take a color idea, push it around and freely experiment with it.  Playfulness is a huge help to finding your own way and improving your skills.  When you free yourself from your self-imposed limitations, you more easily get into the zone of discovery.  Having fun is the reason most of us want to paint, and the fact is, the more fun we're having the more we're learning about how we like to paint. However, when we throw out all boundaries, we usually become bored because we know things just aren't coming together as we'd like.  I think the key is "directed playfulness".  Having something in mind that you're intentionally exploring opens the door to happy discoveries. 

©Jimmy Longacre 2014
11X14 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
subjective impressionist landscape paintings


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