Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jimmy Longacre_subjective realist landscape paintings_A SPLASH OF SPRING

I just finished teaching a workshop in Marble Falls, Texas, for the Highland Arts Guild Gallery.  We covered how to use the Notan principle to improve composition and color.  I, also, spent some of the time to get into some instruction on how to use color gamuts to help insure beautiful color harmony.  It was a lot to cover, but a very talented and willing group, so we had a lot of fun and some great results. 

Here is one of my paintings that illustrates my results using notan and gamut.  I enjoy teaching this because, no matter what level you're at, understanding these concepts will give an almost automatic elevation of painting results, and a great source of fun and experimentation for the long run.

©Jimmy Longacre 2014
11X14 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
subjective realist landscape paintings


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