Thursday, September 8, 2011

Northwest gorge plein air oil landscape by Becky Joy

Afternoon Light on the Rocks
6x8 oil on canvas panel.
Long day here in the studio. Still trying to catch up on things. Why does it take so long? Is it me?
This plein air painting is another one from the Columbia River. I was in Washington looking across the river into Oregon during the late afternoon. Almost all was in sunlight. The rocks had a very warm feel and look to them with the shadows having the most contrast in the scene.
This was at a very little used park that had an old orchard and lots of blackberries. One thing I always do while in Oregon during the summer is pick blackberries. I guess it brings back childhood memories of picking the berries, then we got a pie. Now I don't bother with the crust, but I did make a blackberry cobbler. Mmmm... wish I could have brought some home to Arizona.

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