Monday, October 7, 2013

Jimmy Longacre_Texas impressionist landscape paintings_PLEIN AIR COMPETITIONS_Growth and Frustrations

HOME MEMORIES   11x14  oil on canvas panel
I just returned from The Kerrville Outdoor Painters Event, a four day plein air painting competition.  This was one of my entries in the show.  I didn't receive the Best In Show award this time, but I'm pleased that my painting was selected as one of the winners in the show.  However, for those of you who participate in these events, or if you're thinking of participating in one, I'd like to offer my opinion about the experience.

Winning, or placing in the competition is nice and gratifying, of course, but I don't think it's the primary objective, or benefit.  There is so much to gain from accepting the challenge to do your best in the company of other painters of varying skill levels, and under whatever conditions happen to prevail during the event.  Why?  Because, it can't help but test your skills, raise your confidence level as a painter, and move you more quickly toward your next plateau.  By the way, that's what painting is about, and it never changes.  

While you can't influence the preferences and prejudices of the show judge, wholehearted participation will, without a doubt, make you a better painter, and you will have a wonderful time interacting with other artists, and the public.  Bottom line: It will stretch your skill level, pay-off in the amount of satisfaction you derive from doing something you love to do, and you will have a lot of fun.  I hope you get to win an award now and then, but don't get fooled into focusing on that.  GO FOR IT! 

©Jimmy Longacre 2013
11x14 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
contemporary impressionist landscape oil paintings


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