Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jimmy Longacre_Texas impressionist landscape paintings_WHEN THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE

Outdoor painters love a sunny day displaying interesting shadow patterns that contain rich, subtle colors contrasted with the bright sunlit spectrum. But, alas, you can't always have it that way. Gray day paintings present a unique challenge, because they lack the availability of shadow shapes that are so nice to use in organizing eye-catching compositions. Because of the close values and and color relationships, gray day paintings present a unique challenge.  Even though they can be more difficult to paint, they can yield some beautiful effects.  This painting was done last Saturday at the Kerrville Outdoor Painters Event, on a still, thinly overcast morning that gave the landscape a kind of beautiful glow. 

©Jimmy Longacre 2013
11x14 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
Texas impressionist landscape paintings


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