Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Painting at Oak Alley Plantation with Niki Gulley

"Rooted," Oak Alley Plantation  ©2014 Niki Gulley • 9" x 12" palette knife oil painting

New Orleans Art Trek with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
Day 4, Oak Alley Plantation

On the final day of our New Orleans Art Trek, we drove out to Oak Alley Plantation and were awed by its impressive grounds and 300 year old oak trees. Enjoying the quiet after the busy bustle of New Orleans, we each set out to capture something different, from the beauty of these old gnarled trees to the formality of the mansion to the modest slave quarters. Everyone's painting turned out fantastic and we gathered at the end of the day to look at our progress each day and view the photographers slideshows from the trip. What a wonderful Art Trek! 

If you're interested in joining us on one of upcoming Art Treks, please let us know. 
Spaces are filling up quickly, so don't wait!

Athens and Santorini, Greece - May 8-16, 2015
The French Riviera - June 18-26, 2015
Provence, France - June 25-July 3, 2015
Tuscany, Italy - Sept. 4-12, 2015

For more information on upcoming Art Treks, please visit


To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit

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