Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ghost Ranch Palette Knife Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

"Desert Oasis" ©2019 Niki Gulley
18" x 24" textured oil painting

This summer my husband and I were asked to lecture for Southern Methodist University at the campus in Taos. We love the scenery in New Mexico so much that we decided to stay an extra week to paint and photograph. One day we drove towards Ghost Ranch where Georgia O'Keefe lived, stopping at this scenic overlook of the Rio Chama on the way. Loving the setting and the drama the light was creating on the distant rock formations, we decided to stay right there and capture its beauty.  Gentle S curves lead you down the river while shrubbery and mountain peaks create rhythmic patterns adding to the flow of the scene. I hope you, too, feel rejuvenated gazing into this desert oasis.

For more details on Desert Oasis, please contact my gallery, the Good Art Company, in Fredericksburg, TX at


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her palette knife paintings.

See to see more of her contemporary landscape paintings.

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