Saturday, April 12, 2014

Garapata California plein air oil landscape paintings

garapata carmel california
Garapata Strength   5" x 7" oil on canvas panel   $100.
I tried to take some photos of work in progress, but like usual I missed a few steps. For this painting I used a cotton canvas for the support, not my favorite. I used some of Gamblin's solvent free get to help move the paint when I first layed in the paint. It helped to spread over the rougher canvas weave.
The second painting was a small barn with a patch of wild mustard.
California wild mustard
Wild Mustard  5"x7" oil on canvas panel   $100.
On to a new location tomorrow. I will be staying and painting with a friend in Redwood City, CA for a couple of days.
Talk to you all later.

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